Yes Coupon Code discount is available for those who is interested to learn Stockmarekt in Hindi.
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A Beginner’s Guide to Basic Stock Market Course in Hindi

You will get additional discount if you use code YESADVICE.
About Course Outline :
This is a knowledge base complete basic course on stock market ( fundamental + technical analysis with case studies ).
here the course is divided into four parts.
1. Fundamental analysis of stock
2. Technical analysis of stock
3. Case studies
4. How to build ideal Portfolio ( For investment purpose )
In fundamental analysis , one will be able to learn about the the stock market and various terms like index, sensex, broker and brokerage , how to analysis fundamentally a stock for right investment.
In technical part one will be able to learn the price behavior ( up or down ) of a stock or index shows during a particular period like 1 hour ,in a day, week, month or years. And by learning this one will be able to invest when one has to buy a stock and when he needs to sell the stock to earn profit.
Case studies is given so that one can learn how to implement this ideas in stock.
In Portfolio ,we will learn how we can build an ideal portfolio ? So right from trading and investing , everything is covered here.
Anyone can sign up there and can watch preview/ promo video before buying the course. the course is designed with video and hindi audio presentation and in very simple language. Anyone will be understand the course.
Remember if you know about stock market then you will be able to earn profits in stock market otherwise it will be risky to enter without learning about the stock market.
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